Let’s Talk Habits

by Dr. Amanda McKelroy | November 23, 2021 Have you ever been around a person who has odd habits? I don’t mean social awkwardness, I mean habits such as chewing with their mouth open or picking their nose while they talk to you… and I’m not talking about children. I briefly...

Act Kinder Than You Feel

Dr. Amanda McKelroy | November 29, 2021 A few days ago, I was sitting in the office of a dear friend and noticed she added a sign to her office décor. It said: “act kinder than you feel.”  It wasn’t a particularly pretty sign, so she most certainly bought it for...

But By the Grace of God

by Dr. Amanda McKelroy | December 1, 2021 I was sitting in a church service, listening to an enthusiastic young man as he described the accomplishments that he has seen as a missionary to Japan for the past 3 years. He learned the language, is already preaching in Japanese, has watched the...


I’m overwhelmed… again! And it’s all my own fault. Life in leadership can be stressful, and sometimes I do too much at once.

Dealing with Gossip

Dealing with gossip is hard and often messy. It can also be very unpleasant, especially when we realize our staff are following our example! So how to we fix ourselves when we realize we are talking too much?

The Colorado Misadventure: An Attempt at Working Smarter not Harder

It’s not easy to work smarter not harder. Sometimes I don’t want to even try because new things are scary and I might not be good at them – and I hate doing things I’m not good at!

Bloom Where God Plants You

Understanding why God planted you in the place you are is not required to be faithful to His will for your life. It is not for us to know, it is for us to trust.

How to Act When Staff Disappoint

Another person’s behavior should never dictate your own. Staff disappointing you is inevitable, so it’s best to decide ahead of time how you will handle the most common situations rather than taking the risk that you will react in a manner that does not represent your organization as...

Responding to Unpleasant Circumstances

From time to time a life circumstance presents itself and leaves me struggling to know how to respond. Will I have a self-absorbed reaction, or will I honor the Lord with my response? How do I even know what a Christ-honoring response looks like?

Because the Bible Says So

Recently, I found myself needing to explain a conviction in my life – based on a principle that is rooted in Scripture. I was ashamed to find myself unable to articulate why I have chosen to wholly follow Scripture in the decision being discussed beyond saying, “because the Bible says...